Dolly's Dishes

Super mom to the rescue, one dish at a time!

My 1st recipe post — Easy Peach Cobblerish Cake September 25, 2010

Filed under: Desserts — emilylhh @ 7:15 pm
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Living only 15 minutes from Palisade, by the end of the summer we have an abundance of peaches. A special thanks to my neighbor for bringing me boxes of free “scratch and dent” peaches that she got from her peach orchard friend!

I found this recipe at Mel’s Kitchen Cafe. Although I made a few changes. Well, just one. I tried it both with canned and fresh peaches, and found that fresh make it SO much better. Plus, there it isn’t as much juice after it bakes when you use fresh. Either way, it is delicious and quick!

You’ll need:

Peaches – I diced 5 to 6 medium to large peaches. Or used 2 large cans of canned peaches.
Cinnamon Sugar Sprinkle
1 Stick of Butter
6 to 8 oz Fresca (we used Shasta Grapefruit Soda… Try it with any lemon-lime soda and that should work well, too!)
1 box yellow cake mix

In a 13×9 pan, layer your peaches. I did 3 rows of sardine style packed peaches. I really got a bunch in there.  Sprinkle cinnamon sugar mix over top of the peaches. Open up the cake mix and sprinkle the mix over top of the peaches. Cut up a stick of butter and put the pieces over the cake mix. I was able to get 15 pieces of butter, thus 3 rows of 5 pieces of butter. Open up the can of Fresca or whatever you have on hand and pour half or so over top of the butter.

Put in the oven for 45 minutes at 350*. It should be nice and bubbly. Serve warm. Preferably over vanilla ice cream 🙂

*Note* A friend thought they needed to make the cake — DO NOT! Just open the package and pour it on there! You want cake mix, not cake batter!


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